Students are paid a stipend for working four hours per week in the spring and fall and 20 hours per week in the summer. However, the benefits of the program aren't limited to the wages earned. By the end of the season, participants will learn how to work together as a team, gain valuable job skills, discover a whole new way to look at the food they eat, and expand their support systems to include supervisors, program coordinators, legislators and fellow students.
Construction of the Washington Park/Dyett High School Green Youth Farm began in the summer of
2009. The farm is located within Washington Park, adjacent to Walter H. Dyett High School, 555 E. 51st Street.
The first season had many challenges and successes, including installation of 35 raised beds, planting of ornamental gardens and construction of a cob bench. In its inaugural year, the garden helped to secure summer employment for 17 Dyett High School students. In 2010, the site will expand to 50 raised beds. An on-site, passive solar greenhouse will provide the means to integrate season extension into the youth farm's programs.

Youth Farm participants will conduct tours and open houses for the community, manage a produce pickup service, and operate a farmstand every Saturday from June 5 through October 30 at the Bronzeville Community Farmers' Market, 4400 S. Cottage Grove. WIC farmers market coupons will be accepted by the Green Youth Farm stand. Youth Farm participants will also sell produce at the Chicago Botanic Garden farmers' market on the first and third Sundays of the month between June and October.
If you are a student or parent interested in learning more about the Washington Park/Dyett High School Green Youth Farm, then contact Kristen McPhee at kmcphee@chicagobotanic.org or (847)835-6917.