How to create paper pots video
Beekeeping YOUTUBE
- Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and growing techniques for vegetable gardens
- The New Seed Starters Handbook
- The Plants Propagator's Bible
- Carrots love Tomatoes (companion planting)
- The Edible Garden
- Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
Top Seed Catalogs
Chicago Gardener
Chicago Urban Gardening
Old Farmers Almanac
Companion Planting
- Garfield Park Conservatory: Julio Tuma at 773-638-1766 x.24 or email
- Chicago Honey Co-op classes and tours.
- Cook-DuPage Beekeepers monthly meetings -- a great place to connect with the old hands, and also find sources of nucleus colonies, hives and used equipment.
- The Chicago Beekeeping Meetup Group - person get togethers and skill shares, and a discussion list.
- The Pilsen Beekeeping Club: Pilsen Beekeepers
- Illinois State Beekeeping Association:
- Angelic Organics Learning Center:
- Beekeeping YOUTUBE
Beekeeping Classes
Wheaten Park District with Chuck Lorence of Aurora
Wright Community College with John Hansen of Chicago
The Wheaten Park District class meets once time a week for 2 hours for 8 weeks. Wright Community class meets 2 hours a week for 6 weeks.