Counting the Numbers
Volunteer Hours ==> 571
Trash Picked up ==> 1,932 Gal
Recyclables Picked up ==> 210 Gal
Trees Mulched ==> 136
Trees Pruned ==> 11
Plants Installed ==> 750
Educational Fun for Adults & Teens
Birds, Bees & Beets Lecture Series™
==> Build an Ecosystem in Your Backyard
==> Worm Composting
==> Native Plant Identification
==> How to Grow Food in the Wintertime
==> Food Preservation
Teen Ecological Adventure™
==> Gary Comer Youth Center
==> Bronzeville Community Garden Interns
==> Dyett High School, CBG, Harvest Garden Interns
Leadership Training
Teen Learning Service Hours
Nature Explorations
==> Bird Walks with bird expert Marianne Hahn
==> Dragonfly Hunt with monitor, Rochelle Lodder
==> Tree Pruning with District Forester, Jerome Scott
Special Thanks to our Partners in 2010
- Washington Park Advisory Council for supporting our greenspace programming
- Chicago Park District for supporting our nature area restoration projects
- U of C, CKP, Sustainable Partners Director Bart Schultz for donating two spring and summer interns. The interns assisted with coordinating workdays, lecture series and the Washington Park GreenSpace Journal. The interns were a great asset to our the organization. Thanks Bart...
- Friends of the Parks for sponsoring the earthday celebrations and leadership training
- Openlands for participating in leadership training and tree pruning workshops
- One Brick for bringing out countless volunteers to assist especially with our planting days, they really hung in to carry the load.
- Chicago Botanic Garden for conducting the lecture to build hoop houses for winter growing. We really enjoyed our partnership.