Work Days

On August 21st, 2010, Chicago Park District, District Forester, Jerome Scott held a master pole pruning class for WPC volunteers. Assisting him was Treekeeper coordinator Jim DeHorn. Jerome and Jim went through the basics of tree pruning by first having participants check the plant for structural damage, crossed branches, and diseased limbs. Participants were then able to put Jerome’s advice into action by correctly pruning a tree under his close supervision.

On September 18th, 2010, the volunteers enjoyed a steady walk in the natural areas to collect seeds to spread the beauty of biodiversity in undeveloped areas. Although, rain shortened the workday, the volunteers accomplished plenty in one hour by collecting ten pounds of seeds. Not bad for a days work!

On October 16th, 2010, the volunteers came back a second time to collect seeds and in contrast to our last seed collection day, the weather was sunny and mild. We had a host of volunteers, 20 in total from One Brick, U of I medical students, U of C Roots and Shoots. They all worked along side locals to engage in conversation to enjoy the peace of seed collection, autumn foliage and a high school nature run race. Forty pounds of seed was collected from nodding onions, bee balm and yellow corn flower plants.